Tuesday 16 September 2014

Hybrid Electric Cars

a Porsche Panamera Hybrid drivetrain
Well they are not really gasoline powered, nor do they fully run on electricity . . .
They use two engines to give the overall power of one, for example Toyota Prius has a gasoline engine which produces 106 hp (horse power) with a 67 hp electric engine(motor) to produce a total of 173 hp. The electric motor is responsible for get the car moving, or in some hybrid cars it is active all the way up to about 50 km/h.Then the gasoline engine takes over as the economy speed for gasoline engines is around 100 km/h. As the car brakes, the movement of the wheels charge the battery, via a flywheel, for future use. In addition when the car is at rest, for example on a traffic light, the car shift to electric mode(Eco Idle), the gasoline engine shuts down, saving fuel and hence increasing the car's average !This allows for a more efficient car, for example an average hybrid car drives in at 20 km/Lr, where as an average sedan (gasoline) like Honda Civic gives around 10 km/Lr. That's TWICE as efficient !!!

Advantages of Hybrids
 :* it has electric regenerative brakes that means that one has to change the brake pads after 160,000 km
* the simple transmissions is chap to maintain, no fluid change till about 100,000 km* in addition, the companies (or even certain countries) provide a 10 year battery warranty(or more) which means that it can be replaced free in that 10 year period !!* it is mechanically simpler and more reliable than a regular car* Hybrids are very fuel-efficient.Disadvantages* it cost relatively more than an average comparable car . .
. like Civic

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